What is good for potency?

sport for power

For every man, the question of potency is not only very intimate, but also painful. Even representatives of the stronger sex consider stable and normal potency to be one of the characteristics of this strength. And not without reason, because the ability to have sex when the corresponding desire arises, the ability to satisfy a woman and receive pleasure personally, is important for spiritual harmony and the meaning of life in all the charm of her.

Potency fades: complexes appear, stress increases, nervousness and dissatisfaction with life appear. And most importantly, potency problems determine the health of the male body as a whole. Therefore, potency becomes an indicator of male health. This means that what is good for potency is good for health in general: a balanced spiritual state, rational and balanced nutrition, adequate sleep and rest, as well as sport.

The frenetic pace of modern life often turns every day into continuous stress for many men. A man must do everything: ensure the material well-being of his family, not fall flat at work, help his wife and communicate with friends. As an option, take the dog for a walk, take your child to the garden, or, as an adult child, go to a parent-teacher meeting.

Everything must be done on time and there is often not enough time for everything. The nerves are tense, the consciousness works constantly, due to short sleep at night, the brain does not fully rest. . . The body is in a constant state of stress, which has a completely negative effect on sexual desire and the ability to realize it.

What is useful

But something else is useful for potency: more often feeling a feeling of peace from rest, relaxation after a working day, getting a good night's sleep and regularly taking long walks. Overwork exhausts any person, weakens the psyche and general tone. This means that, if possible, you should avoid excessive effort and unnecessary stress and dedicate the necessary time to rest.

What a man eats is also important for potency. The products, assimilated by the body, give it strength and energy, or are gradually deposited in the body with useless waste, polluting it and compromising its functionality. As far as foods that are good for potency go, seafood is at the top of the list.

What foods increase potency in men? Fish, oysters, caviar, shrimp, crayfish are not only sexual "doping", but also healthy products. Mackerel and flounder are considered the most beneficial for potency. The main male hormone, testosterone, cannot be fully produced without a product such as meat. This means that for normal potency it is necessary to include this source of protein in the diet, albeit in moderation and without too much fat.

For normal potency, you need to eat eggs, vegetables (especially onions and garlic) and fruits (especially citrus fruits and pomegranates). According to experts, nuts, honey, sesame seeds and plums are extremely useful for potency. Don't forget about fermented dairy products, herbs and spices (cumin, anise, tarragon, curry).

And, of course, sports, sports and more sports. Physical activity saturates the body with oxygen, strengthens the heart and makes blood flow faster through the vessels. In addition, training relieves stress and increases the level of endorphins in the body - the hormones of happiness. Doctors say that aerobic running, brisk walking, swimming and jumping rope are the most "useful" for power.

Speaking of harmful things

But in some cases, according to physiologists, bodybuilding can be harmful (characterized by increased loads, often through the use of additional substances that increase muscle mass); cycling and chess (ticks the pelvis, which causes circulatory problems); parkour (excessive loads, increased adrenaline release).

In any case, if you train correctly, without torturing the body and body, "without fanaticism", and first of all – for yourself and your pleasure, sport definitely becomes extremely useful for potency.

No matter how skeptical young men smile now, considering their victories with women, regularity in sexual relations is also useful for potency. Just like constantly chaotic relationships and changes in partner, long-term abstinence from sex is not desirable for potency. Everything should be in moderation and tastefully, including sexual intercourse.